Was it the Loch Ness Monster Spotted on Sonar - Or Just a Random Blob?

Shaun Sloggie, 30, said he's "never seen anything like" the discovery, which appears to have the same shape as the eel-like creature that hundreds of people have reported seeing in the Scottish freshwater loch. 

Tailored with high-tech sound wave sonar to penetrate the aquatic vista, it revealed an extended object with apparent air cavities - a dead ringer for the mythical beast of lore.

Shaun, who operates with Cruise Loch Ness to bring tourists up close to the loch's beauty and beasts, has been keeping watch over these waters for nearly ten years.

Via: The Irish Star

"Harmony of Resilliance" Polaris Dawn Astronaut Performs Star Wars


On Friday, September 13, 2024 Polaris Dawn Mission Specialist Sarah Gillis, an accomplished musician and SpaceX engineer-turned-astronaut, performed "Rey's Theme" by composer John Williams on her custom-made violin while in orbit aboard the Dragon spacecraft, launching her campaign to raise support for music education back on Earth. Her music selection, fittingly, was a piece from the film, Star Wars: The Force Awakens.

Gillis was joined in performance by youth musicians from around the world, all of them students in the international El Sistema network of organizations, specifically: the inaugural El Sistema program in Venezuela, The Boston String Academy in the United States, NEOJIBA in Brazil, Dream Orchestra in Sweden, Brass for Africa in Uganda, and BLUME Haiti.\

El Sistema USA

Recent Fossil Reveals 240 Milion Year Old Dragon

Scientists have revealed a new, remarkably complete fossil - a 16ft (5m)-long aquatic reptile from the Triassic period. 

The creature dates back 240 million years and has been dubbed a "dragon" because of its extremely long neck.

It is called Dinocephalosaurus orientalis, a species that was originally identified back in 2003.

This spectacular new fossil has allowed scientists to see the full anatomy of this bizarre prehistoric beast.

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